New Preschool Reform Agreement comes into effect

This content was published on Wednesday 15 December 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

On 6 December, New South Wales became the first state to sign onto the new Preschool Reform Agreement, with Victoria signing up soon after on 10 December.

On 6 December, New South Wales became the first state to sign onto the new Preschool Reform Agreement, with Victoria signing up soon after on 10 December.

Under the agreement, the Australian Government will provide funding to states and territories to support access to preschool.

The agreement:

  • supports children to attend 15 hours of preschool each week in the year before school
  • ensures all children benefit from Commonwealth funding regardless of the setting they attend
  • aims to improve preschool enrolment and attendance
  • maximises the benefit of preschool by improving outcomes for children.

The agreement will run from 2022 to 2025. It is expected to support more than 300,000 children and 12,000 preschool providers each year.

It is hoped that other states will join in the near future.

Read the joint media release.

Read the Preschool Reform Agreement.