Stakeholder kit: Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census – preschools

The fifth National Workforce Census is taking place this year. This kit contains content for early childhood education and care stakeholders to share information about the census with preschool and kindergarten services.

On this page:

About the census

The Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census is a national collection about the early childhood education and care sector workforce.

It helps us develop and measure policies and programs for the early childhood education and care sector.

We strongly encourage preschool and kindergarten services to take part in the census.

Further information and regular updates on the NWC are available

Who should use this kit

This kit is for organisations that support dedicated state- and territory-run preschools and kindergartens.

It contains pre-written materials to share with preschools and kindergartens in your network.

Please do not alter the supplied images.

When to use this kit

Registration for the census is open now.

Please share the information in this kit and encourage preschools and kindergartens to register for the census as soon as possible.

Social media content

Copy and share a post on your social media channels.

It’s time to register for the 2024 Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census.

All preschools and kindergartens are invited to take part in the census.

The census is the only national overview of the early childhood education and care workforce, including preschool and kindergarten.

Your participation in the census is vital to ensure an accurate picture of the sector.

The government has commissioned the Social Research Centre to conduct the census.

Find out more and register on the Social Research Centre’s website

Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census Image

Newsletter content

Copy and share this information in your newsletters.

Register your preschool or kindy in the 2024 National Workforce Census

It’s time to register for the 2024 Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census.

All preschools and kindergartens are invited to take part in the census.

The census is the only national overview of the early childhood education and care workforce, including preschool and kindergarten.

Your participation in the census is vital to ensure an accurate picture of the sector.

The government has commissioned the Social Research Centre to conduct the census.

Find out more and register on the Social Research Centre’s website.

If you have any questions, please call 1800 639 098 or email