Productivity Commission inquiry

The Productivity Commission is conducting an inquiry into Australia’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) system. The final report is due on 30 June 2024.

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About the inquiry

On 9 February 2023, the Australian Government tasked the Productivity Commission to conduct an inquiry into Australia’s ECEC system. The draft report was delivered on 23 November 2023.

The government appointed Professor Emerita Deborah Brennan AM as an Associate Commissioner to assist with the inquiry. Professor Brennan is working with Commissioners Martin Stokie and Lisa Gropp on the inquiry.

The inquiry is considering options that improve or support:

  • affordable and quality ECEC services
  • developmental and educational outcomes for children
  • economic growth, including by enabling workforce participation
  • outcomes for children and families experiencing vulnerability and/or disadvantage, First Nations children and families, and children and families experiencing disability
  • efficient and effective government investment in ECEC.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into the price of ECEC will feed into this inquiry.

On the Productivity Commission website, you will find:

  • the draft report
  • terms of reference
  • opportunities to participate in consultation
  • submissions, including the Department of Education’s submission
  • timelines
  • contact information.