Family Assistance Law

The Family Assistance Law is the basis for Commonwealth child care fee assistance, which includes the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).

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Family Assistance Law

The Family Assistance Law also provides for the approval of child care providers to administer child care fee assistance on behalf of families.

The following legislation and legislative instruments make up the legislation relating to child care from 2 July 2018.

Primary Legislation

Associated Legislation

Legislative Instruments

Previous Child Care System (Until 1 July 2018)

On 2 July 2018, the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate ceased and were replaced by Child Care Subsidy.

You are still required to meet the requirements of Family Assistance Law and its associated legislation if you are claiming for care provided before 2 July 2018.

The following Legislation and Legislative Instruments make up the requirements for the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate.

Primary Legislation

Associated Legislation

Legislative Instruments

A New Tax System


Child Care Benefit


Family Assistance

Family Tax Benefit


GST-free Supply Determination

Online learning

Complete the Overview of Family Assistance Law and National Law course in Geccko to learn more.

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