National Early Years Summit takes place at Parliament House

This content was published on Friday 24 February 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

Emma Watkins, Catherine Liddle and Anne Aly at the National Early Years Summit

Pictured: Emma Watkins, Catherine Liddle, Chief Executive Officer, SNAICC - National Voice for our Children, The Hon Dr. Anne Aly MP, Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth

Parents and community organisations joined experts from across the sector, academics, representatives from peak bodies, and government and non-government organisations at the National Early Years Summit at Parliament House on 17 February.

Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, and Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP opened the summit, held in the Great Hall on Friday 17 February.

The summit is part of a broad consultation process to form a Commonwealth Early Years Strategy.

The strategy will inform how the early years system can be strengthened to give all children the best start in life.

The Government has released a discussion paper about the strategy with submissions now open.

Surveys asking for views on early childhood in Australia are open until 31 March.

There will also be a series of community roundtables that will take place after the summit.

To see the discussion paper, provide a submission, complete the survey, go to the Early Years Strategy page on the Department of Social Services (DSS) website.

Keep up to date on the consultation processes, and news on the development of the strategy on the DSS website.

Read Dr Aly’s and Minister Rishworth’s opening addresses to the summit.

Read Minister Aly and Minister Rishworth’s joint Media Release.