Milestone in addressing early childhood education and care workforce issues

This content was published on Monday 5 September 2022. There may be more recent updates available.

The Australian Government has welcomed the release of the implementation and evaluation plan for the 10-year National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy, Shaping Our Future.

The plan marks the next stage for the strategy, which aims to build a sustainable, high-quality, professionally recognised workforce for the early childhood education and care sector (ECEC).

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) led the development of the plan in conjunction with the sector’s peak bodies and all state and territory governments.

Access to early childhood education and care and workforce-related issues were major topics of conversation at last week’s Jobs and Skills Summit held at Australian Parliament House in Canberra.

Additionally, the National Cabinet had asked Education and Early Childhood Ministers to develop a long-term vision for early childhood, with a particular focus on addressing issues in the workforce.

The implementation and evaluation plan commits all governments and the sector to progressing the strategy’s 21 actions as a priority. The plan outlines implementation steps for each action and how progress will be monitored and measured.  

The Australian Government funded ACECQA to develop an Induction to the National Quality Framework to improve access to professional development for early childhood educators and teachers. ACECQA also launched this today.

Shaping our Future and the Implementation and Evaluation Plan are available on the ACECQA website.