Coffs Harbour storms: Local Area Emergency declared for child care

This content was published on Tuesday 26 October 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

We have declared a Local Area Emergency (LAE) for the period 21 October to 7 November 2021 following severe storms.

This LAE includes all child care services in the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA).

A range of support is available to services and families during an LAE.

Support for families

Families attending services in the Coffs Harbour LGA can use additional absences during the LAE period if they have used their 42 absence days. Most families will still have absences available. Additional absences were provided to them during COVID restrictions.

Affected families may be eligible for extra help with the cost of child care through the Additional Child Care Subsidy (temporary financial hardship). Families must apply directly to Centrelink.

The Australian Government provides a range of payments and services to individuals affected by a major disaster. Services Australia has more information about emergency payments.

Families looking for alternative care during an emergency can visit

Support for services

The Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) Special Circumstances grant helps services stay open when something unexpected happens, such as a local emergency. Affected services can apply on our website.

If you have to close

You must let us know if you temporarily close your service. You can do this via the Provider Entry Point (PEP) or your third-party software.

You also need to tell your state or territory regulatory authority.

For action

  • Update your contact details, particularly email addresses, in the Child Care Subsidy System so you don’t miss important information. Do this via the Provider Entry Point or your third-party software.
  • Update your vacancy details in Child Care Finder. Do this via the Provider Entry Point or your third-party software.
  • Ask families to maintain their enrolments. This will ensure their children receive continuity of care and early learning.
  • Keep an eye on the NSW Government’s emergency site for current emergency information in your region.

More information

Visit our help in an emergency page for more information.