ACECQA child safety report makes 16 recommendations

This content was published on Thursday 21 December 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has released its review into child safety. 

The report from the Review of Child Safety Arrangements under the National Quality Framework (NQF) makes 16 recommendations about:

  • physical and online safety 
  • child supervision 
  • staffing requirements. 

The independent review investigated: 

  • how well the NQF operates  
  • how the NQF interacts with national and jurisdictional laws, regulations, policies and practices. 

The report found Australia has a very good system of early childhood education and care. However, more can be done to ensure the NQF remains contemporary and fit-for-purpose in the context of child safety. 

Read the Report of the Review of Child Safety Arrangements under the National Quality Framework.  

Read the Ministers’ media release. 

Learn more about the NQF