ACCC child care price inquiry: interim report published

This content was published on Wednesday 5 July 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released the interim report from its inquiry into early childhood education and care (ECEC) prices.

The interim report provides early insights into the ACCC’s investigations into prices and affordability. The report also examines the structure of the ECEC market, and considers how families use care.

The report draws on Department of Education data, preliminary results from the ACCC’s survey of parents and guardians, and information that providers submitted directly to the inquiry.

The ACCC will continue to conduct detailed sector analysis and gather information about the cost of providing ECEC. It will also closely watch the pricing behaviour of providers as Child Care Subsidy increases take effect from Monday.

This information will help shape the ACCC’s September consultation paper. This will include analysis of costs, the effectiveness of price regulation mechanisms, and draft findings and recommendations. 

The ACCC price inquiry’s final report is due for delivery to the government by 31 December 2023.

The ACCC’s schedule of consultations is available on the ACCC child care inquiry page.