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2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

The 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap (2016 Roadmap) was developed by an Expert Working Group led by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel AO. The 2016 Roadmap outlined national research infrastructure required over the coming decade so that Australia's world class research system could continue to:

  • improve productivity
  • create jobs
  • lift economic growth
  • support a healthy environment.

The 2016 Roadmap identified nine focus areas for ongoing support:

  • Digital Data and eResearch Platforms
  • Platforms for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Characterisation
  • Advanced Fabrication and Manufacturing
  • Advanced Physics and Astronomy
  • Earth and Environmental Systems
  • Biosecurity
  • Complex Biology
  • Therapeutic Development

The Government response to the 2016 Roadmap was released on Tuesday 15 May 2018.

Development of 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

Since 2004, the Australian Government has invested over $3 billion to deliver world-class research infrastructure, primarily through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). The investment has been informed by previous Research Infrastructure Roadmaps which identified priority areas for investment and the Clark Review of Research Infrastructure.

In 2015, as part of National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA), the Government committed $150 million (indexed and ongoing) from 1 July 2017 to support the operational needs of research infrastructure. As part of the commitment it also announced the development of the 2016 Roadmap.

The 2016 Roadmap development process was supported by a Capabilities Issues Paper which set out proposed research infrastructure capability requirements. The National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper was informed by a public submissions process and extensive Public consultations with key stakeholders.

Following the Issues Paper consultation and submissions process, the 2016 Draft National Research Infrastructure Roadmap (2016 Draft Roadmap), was released on 5 December 2016. Stakeholder feedback by way of a second submissions process informed the final 2016 Roadmap which was provided to Government and published on 12 May 2017.

In all, the Expert Working Group received nearly 500 written submissions and consulted with over 580 stakeholders in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Townsville, Canberra, Sydney, Hobart and Melbourne during the 2016 Roadmap development process. Consultations were undertaken with members of the research community, universities, industry, federal, state and territory governments, publicly funded research agencies and operators of research infrastructure facilities.

2011 National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Strategic Roadmap

The 2011 Strategic Roadmap for Australian Research Infrastructure (the Roadmap) identified 19 priority areas for investment in national, collaborative research infrastructure for 5 to 10 years (capability areas).

The capability areas were priorities because they were seen to produce research that contributes to economic development, innovation, social wellbeing, environmental sustainability and Australia's prosperity.

Development of the 2011 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

The 2011 Roadmap was developed through a broad consultative process, under the leadership of the National Research Infrastructure Council. Six expert working groups provided specialist advice and helped develop the Roadmap.

Expert working group list of members

A total of 193 submissions were received in response to the 2011 Strategic Roadmap for Australian Research Infrastructure Discussion Paper. Submissions were also received in response to the Exposure Draft of the 2011 Strategic Roadmap for Australian Research Infrastructure.

The 3 key stages of the development process were:

  • March 2011 - a discussion paper was released for comment.
  • June 2011 - an exposure draft of the Roadmap was released for comment.
  • September 2011 - the final Roadmap was released.

Other roadmaps

The Strategic Roadmap 2008 informed the Super Science Initiative which was funded from the Education Investment Fund.

The Strategic Roadmap 2006 was supported by Australian Government funding under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

The Roadmaps were developed as a result of the 2004 National Research Infrastructure Taskforce Report.