Consultations on the National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper

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The National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper was released on 20 July 2016 to support consultation around development of the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap. It presents a range of issues relating to national research infrastructure capability areas and is the first step in working towards a shared view of the capabilities needed to support current, new and emerging areas of research and innovation.

In conjunction with the release of the Issues Paper, consultations took place around Australia in the following locations:

Location Date
Perth Tuesday 26 July
Adelaide Wednesday 27 July
Brisbane Monday 1 August
Townsville Friday 5 August
Canberra Tuesday 16 August
Sydney Friday 19 August
Hobart Tuesday 23 August
Melbourne Monday 5 September

Over 580 people registered their attendance at the consultation sessions and over 320 written submissions were received in response to the Issues Paper.