National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)

Australia is an established global leader in world-class research. The Australian Government helps maintain this reputation by ensuring researchers have access to cutting edge national research infrastructure supported through the NCRIS program.

NCRIS currently supports 26 funded projects and an international membership. The projects are led by organisations including universities, publicly funded research organisations and private companies.

The projects form a network involving over 400 delivery partnerships, and employing over 1500 highly skilled technical experts, researchers and facility managers.

Projects provide merit-based access for all Australian researchers to their infrastructure. As of the 2018‑19 NRI Census around 51,000 Australian and 10,000 international users are supported every year. In 2021‑22, the projects overall had a 92% user satisfaction rate.

They also have high co-investment rates. As of the 2018 NRI Census, each $1 Government invested in NCRIS saw $1.40 in co-investment from universities, research agencies, state and territory governments and industry.

Users relying on NCRIS range from early career researchers and small businesses who would otherwise struggle to access world-class NRI, to global research leaders tapping into the unique facilities that NCRIS provides.

Examples of research supported by NCRIS projects are on the case studies page.