New release: National Teacher Workforce Action Plan

This content was published on Friday 16 December 2022. There may be more recent updates available.

The National Teacher Workforce Action Plan (Action Plan) was released today. Education Ministers agreed on a National Teacher Workforce Action Plan which sets out a clear pathway for addressing the national issue of teacher workforce shortages.

The Action Plan builds on initiatives already underway in jurisdictions, sectors and individual schools and is the first step of an ongoing strategy to attract more people to the profession and retain more teachers in the workforce.

The department thanks all who provided their valuable insights and feedback on this important issue.

About the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan

On 12 August 2022, Education Ministers, teachers, principals and other education experts came together for a roundtable to discuss ways to tackle teacher workforce shortages. It was agreed at the roundtable that a working group led by the Secretary of the Department of Education would develop a National Teacher Workforce Action Plan.

The Action Plan includes actions across five priority areas which include:

  • Improving teacher supply
  • Strengthening initial teacher education
  • Keeping the teachers we have
  • Elevating the profession
  • Better understanding future teacher workforce needs.

The Australian Government is investing $328 million to implement initiatives contained in the Action Plan. States and territories have agreed in-principle to contribute an additional $5 million to support a targeted national campaign to raise the status and value the role of the teaching profession. All jurisdictions will work collaboratively to implement the Action Plan.

More information

Find out more and access the Action Plan on our website. Submissions to the consultation will be published on our website in the coming months.