Transferring Student Data Interstate

The Interstate Student Data Transfer Note and Protocol supports the exchange of student information between schools when children move state.

The Interstate Student Data Transfer Note (ISDTN) and Protocol is a joint initiative between the Australian Government, State and Territory Education Departments, and the independent and Catholic education sectors.

This national system allows for schools to support new students quickly by providing consistent and accurate information from the previous school.

The ISDTN and Protocols provide a set of common documents for schools to use when a student transfers interstate. 

Resources for Government Schools 

Resources for Government Schools Non-Government School 

  • Interstate Student Data Transfer Note
  • Protocol
  • Information about moving school interstate for Parents/Guardians
  • Parent/Guardian Consent Form | Student Consent Form
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Flow chart for gaining consent for student enrolling in government schools


View State and Territory Contacts

Group of kids standing around a pile of books