Review Consultations

The Expert Panel (the panel) delivered its report to all Education Ministers on 31 October 2023. The Panel would like to thank the individuals, schools and organisations who provided input.

On this page:

Throughout the Review process, the Panel engaged extensively across the schools sector with stakeholders including students, teachers, school leaders and support staff, education unions, national education agencies, non-government sector school stakeholders, parents, carers, youth and student bodies, and governments, to examine a range of issues.

Past Opportunities

Consultation Paper

The Consultation Paper invited interested stakeholders and organisations to provide submissions to the Review Consultation Paper between 5 July and 2 August 2023.

The Consultation Paper considered both the Terms of Reference and the ideas generated as part of the consultation process to raise a series of questions the Panel were seeking input on.

Results helped inform the development of the Panel's report.

A total of 266 submissions were made in response to the Consultation Paper. Public submissions to the Review were released in December 2023.

Read the public submissions

Teachers, Parents/Guardians and Students Survey

The survey, conducted by the Social Research Centre was available online from 23 May to 23 June 2023. This survey provided an opportunity for students, educators, teachers, parents and guardians to contribute their perspectives and help shape the future of education in Australia.

Participants were asked about student learning and wellbeing, teacher recruitment and retention, and funding transparency and accountability.

Nearly 25,000 educators, parents, guardians and students took part in the survey. Key takeaways from the survey include:

  • 82 per cent of students say their school makes them feel welcome
  • 74 per cent of teachers said reducing workload would help lift student outcomes
  • 77 per cent of parents and 59 per cent of teachers support improved access to allied health professionals, including occupational therapists and speech pathologists.

In total, 13,684 educators, 8,494 parents/guardians and 2,790 students took part in the survey.

Read the Summary Report

Ministerial Reference Group

The Group, chaired by Minister Clare and consisting of teachers, principals, students, parent organisations, education unions, and other education experts and stakeholders,  acted as a sounding board and source of advice to the Panel.

View the list of members