Student Testimonials

Regional University Study Hubs help students in regional and remote areas access higher education without having to leave their community.


Emily loves studying at a hub because it provides her with structure and a distraction free environment to focus on her studies, while staying in her community.



Studying at a hub has allowed Jessica to stay connected to her community and continue working, without the stress of relocating.



Studying through a hub has allowed Shelley to continue working at her local hospital while studying nursing. Since completing her studies, she has accepted a graduate position
at the hospital.


Jill struggled with studying online but with support from her local hub, she was able to better plan her studies, attend workshops and improve her computer skills, allowing her to continue her study with confidence.


Studying through a hub has provided Emma with the opportunity to make new connections that will benefit her future career.


Having access to a hub has removed some of the barriers to studying including having a dedicated space which allows Tabitha to focus on her studies.