Staying safe this Summer

Stay safe this summer. In the background, there are four people riding bicycles together: a man, a woman and two girls.

This story was first published on Monday 11 December 2023. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

As the Summer school holidays approach, we all need to make sure we stay safe when out enjoying the sunshine.

Staying safe in the heat

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted that next year’s summer temperatures are going to be above average which means we need to be sun smart and stay hydrated.

  • Drink plenty of water (and avoid alcohol).
  • Seek shade or stay indoors between 11:00am and 3:00pm.
  • Check on elderly relatives and neighbours.
  • When going on a walk with your pets – make sure the ground is not too hot. If you can’t touch the ground with your hand for longer than seven seconds, it’s too hot for your pets’ paws.
  • Always wear sunscreen when outdoors (and reapply regularly).
  • Learn the symptoms of heat related illnesses – these can include dizziness, nausea and more. Read more about heat related illnesses on the NSW Health website.

Food safety and preparation

  • Make sure to maintain food safety when eating with family and friends – wash hands and utensils regularly and throw away food that’s been left out for more than two hours. Read more about food safety tips on the ACT Health website – you can find a factsheet at the bottom of the page.

Swimming risks and staying safe in the water

  • Always ensure that any pool fences, gates, or barriers are well maintained and closed at your home pool.
  • Check the water to ensure it is safe of hazards like blue-green algae, any dangerous animals, or debris. Always double-check it is appropriate for swimming particularly if you are new to the area.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol while swimming.
  • Explore the Royal Life Saving Australia website for more information on beach safety.

Stay emergency aware

  • There is always the risk of bushfires, grass fires and other extreme weather during the summer season. The warning signals have been updated following the 2019/2020 bushfires. Review the updated signals and prepare an emergency kit.

Bike safety

  • Always wear a helmet that fits well.
  • Don’t wear a hat under your helmet.
  • Put reflective stickers on your helmet so drivers can see you better.
  • Whether you’re going for a ride at home, or on your travels, check the bike safety rules in your location as they can be different.

For more information and tips to stay safe this Summer, visit your local Department of Health website.

Staying safe online

Staying safe online is as important as staying safe when you’re out and about. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner has information about keeping yourself, your family and friends safe online.

You can also learn how to spot and avoid scams thanks to ScamWatch. ScamWatch recommends to stop, think and check before you act as scammers rely on you not spotting the warning signs because you’re in a hurry. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. It is also important to monitor what your children are accessing online and check in with vulnerable family members.

Correct at time of publication.