A cleaner, greener future in REACH

Improving recycling and clean energy technologies

This story was first published on Friday 15 December 2023. If you wish to use this content, please contact media@education.gov.au to confirm that the information is still current.

Assistant Minister for Education, Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm has officially launched the Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub (REACH) at Deakin University

Deakin University is leading the project in collaboration with 10 industry and education partners, including Federation University Australia, Xefco and Clean Energy Resources.

REACH has anticipated funding of $375 million, including approximately $223 million of co-contributions from industry partners, as well as direct investment in small and medium-sized companies.

The aim of REACH is to create the single largest clean energy and recycling research, innovation, advanced manufacturing eco-system in Australia to address industry needs for building a circular economy and creating new jobs and businesses.

Assistant Minister Chisholm said that REACH is bringing together some of the brightest university minds with industry leaders to solve problems not just facing Australia, but the world.

“REACH’s projects will see us take steps towards solving some of our biggest environmental challenges, such as reducing landfill and fossil fuel emissions and mitigating some of the devastating impacts of global warming,” Assistant Minister Chisholm said.

“Each year Australians contribute more than 7.6 million tonnes of food to landfill annually, costing over $36.6 billion and producing 17.5 million tonnes of CO2.

“REACH has partnered with JET Technology to bring industry and researchers together to focus on converting organic waste from the agriculture, dairy, and fishery sectors by drastically shortening composting time so it can be used to make new products such as cow feed, fertiliser, and textiles.

“Developing sovereign capability here in Australia is making our manufacturing greener and creating new job opportunities for the industries of tomorrow.”

REACH is expected to generate more than $1.4 billion in revenue and 2,500 jobs in the next decade and create manufacturing opportunities for Australian businesses and universities.

Researchers are working to push the limits of technological innovation and deliver energy and recycling solutions that reduce landfill, fossil fuel emissions and the impact of climate change.

REACH is one of six projects supported by the Australian Government’s $370.3 million Trailblazer Universities Program which aims to build new research capabilities, drive commercialisation outcomes, and invest in new industry engagement opportunities.

Learn more about the Trailblazers Universities Program and REACH.

Correct at time of publication.