Priority Area 2, Action 8: ‘Strong Beginnings’ report released by expert panel

This content was published on Monday 25 September 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

The Teacher Education Expert Panel, led by Professor Mark Scott, released its final report with Education Ministers agreeing in principle to major reform recommendations. The panel made 14 recommendations to strengthen initial teacher education and support beginning teachers into the profession.

Ministers have agreed to immediately develop national practical teaching guidelines and amend accreditation standards and procedures by the end of 2023. Ministers also agreed to ensure core content is embedded in all ITE programs before the end of 2025.

The report and its recommendations come under Action 8 of the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan.

About the report

The report outlines 14 recommendations across four key areas of reform including:

  • Strengthening initial teacher education programs to deliver confident, effective beginning teachers.
  • Strengthening the link between performance and funding of initial teacher education programs
  • Improving the quality of practical experience in teaching
  • Improving postgraduate initial teacher education for mid-career entrants

More information

Read the Panel’s report: Strong Beginnings, Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel, 2023

Read Minister Clare’s Media release: Major reform to improve teacher training and better prepare teachers for the classroom