Priority Area 2, Action 10: First Nations Languages Education Program - expressions of interest are open

This content was published on Thursday 7 December 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

First Nations communities are encouraged to register their interest in the First Nations Languages Education Program. The program aims to build the First Nations language teaching workforce and strengthen First Nations language learning in primary schools through community-led relationships with schools.

The program was developed with First Languages Australia (FLA) and aims to progress target 16 of Closing the Gap, to support a sustained increase in the number and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages being spoken. The program also delivers on Priority Area 2 of the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan.

Up to $14 million over two years is available to support the development of the next generation of First Nations language teachers and the teaching of their language in local primary schools.

First Nations communities that register their interest will first work with FLA to develop a local language plan. The communities will then be invited to apply for funding to have their local language plan implemented.

More information

Expressions of interest are open until 28 February 2024.

Find out more on the department’s First Nations Languages Education Program page and First Languages Australia website.

For updates, grant eligibility, guidelines, and key dates be sure to check First Languages Australia website regularly.

Read Minister Clare’s media release.