Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021

This content was published on Monday 5 July 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

The Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021 came into effect on 29 June 2021. This instrument exempts certain supplementary courses from the ESOS Act. This means these supplementary courses can be offered to overseas students without being registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

The instrument responds to provider, student and other stakeholder feedback for measures to improve access to supplementary courses for overseas students, including hobby and recreational courses, and other short courses that may be required for employment whilst in Australia. The changes enable providers to deliver a range of courses such as first aid, infection control, construction white cards, and responsible service of alcohol courses. This will reduce regulatory burdens on providers, enrich students experience in Australia, help reduce workplace exploitation and assist Australian businesses to fill short term skill shortages to deliver critically important goods and services.

For more information, including the list of exempt courses, visit International Education Resources Supplementary Courses Instrument.