National Code for Boarding School Students

This content was published on Friday 17 September 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

National Cabinet has endorsed the “National Code for Boarding School Students”.

This Code will deliver a national approach to support the travel needs of boarding school students during COVID-19 lockdowns.

View the National Code.

In endorsing the Code, states and territories have committed to a nationally consistent, COVID-safe approach to intrastate and cross-border movement for boarding students, and their families and carers.

Jurisdictions will be responsible for implementing the Code in line with relevant health advice.

The Australian Government has worked closely with stakeholders to understand this issue and develop more workable and compassionate arrangements. The Code was considered by the Education Ministers Meeting and subsequently the Australian Health Protection Principals Committee (AHPPC) in early September 2020. Chief Health Officers in jursidictions were briefed on the principles and issues facing this cohort.

This Code will support the nation’s 23,000 boarding students, particularly those who travel interstate for their schooling, as well as their families.

The National Cabinet agreement will help reunite families and ensures the safety and wellbeing of boarding school children, and their families and carers.