Reconciliation Commitment

The department is committed to reconciliation and creating opportunities for First Nations peoples.

On this page:

To do this, we are guided by the department’s philosophy of ‘Indigenous Business is Everyone’s Business’ to ensure that opportunity and prosperity for First Nations peoples is at the heart of our work.

Our next Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) will provide the foundation to enable us to take meaningful action that advances reconciliation. While we partner with Reconciliation Australia to finalise our RAP, the Reconciliation Commitment will support us in continuing our reconciliation journey through a focus on three priority actions:

  1. Building and maintaining strong relationships
  2. Strengthening our cultural integrity
  3. Creating opportunities for First Nations peoples.

Reconciliation Commitment 2023–2024


The Department of Education is committed to reconciliation and improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This document outlines the priority actions the department is focused on whilst the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is being developed in partnership with Reconciliation Australia.

Reconciliation Commitment 2023-2024.pdf