Eagle Academy Closes its Doors

This content was published on Friday 20 January 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

Xamerg Pty Ltd [02480G], trading as The Eagle Academy ceased delivery of its courses to international students on Tuesday 4th October 2022.

Last updated on 15 February 2023

The Eagle Academy is working to meet its obligations to affected students under section 46D of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act). The provider has advised the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) that they intend to do so.

While Eagle Academy had some technical delays, they have recently retrieved data to support processing student refunds. A letter was sent to students on 19 January 2023 advising them that refunds would be processed by the end of January.

If you are an international student affected by this closure, we encourage you to check the latest information and timeline of events on The Eagle Academy provider closure page.

What happens now?

The Eagle Academy has commenced providing students with a refund of unspent tuition fees and an up-to-date statement of attainment or certificate for completed study.

Unspent tuition fees are any tuition fees students have paid and have not received tuition for. For example, a student may have paid 10 weeks of tuition and only attended class for 7 weeks. The fees for the remaining 3 weeks would be the unspent tuition fees to be refunded.

Please note: it is possible that you may not have any unspent tuition fees.

Applying for a refund of unspent tuition fees

To apply for a refund, complete the Eagle Academy student refund request form and email the form to eagleacademy87@gmail.com as soon as possible to ensure they have all the details required to process your claim.

Obtaining Statement of Attainments and Academic Transcripts

To obtain copies of your statement of attainments or academic transcripts, please contact eagleacademy87@gmail.com.

Visa related matters

For general information regarding your student visa in the event of a provider default, visit the Department of Home Affairs Education Provider Default website.

If you have questions relating to your student visa, contact student.visa.help.desk@homeaffairs.gov.au or call 131 881.