2024 International TPS Levy Consultation

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is conducting sector consultation on the draft settings for the 2024 International TPS Levy from mid-August to early October 2023.

On this page:

At its August 2023 meeting, the TPS Advisory Board provided its draft advice to the TPS Director on the 2024 International TPS Levy settings. The Board’s letter of draft advice is available for viewing.

The TPS is conducting a series of consultation sessions on the draft 2024 International TPS Levy settings for levied education and training providers. Providers are invited to attend one or more of the following consultation sessions to meet the TPS Director and learn about the draft levy settings.

Register to attend one of the face-to-face sessions listed above through the TPS Eventbrite page.

Feedback received from the sector during this consultation period will be presented to the Board for consideration ahead of its October 2023 meeting, when its final advice will be provided to the TPS Director.

View the Draft 2024 International TPS Levy Fact Sheet for detailed information about the principles and components of the draft 2024 International TPS Levy settings. Levy calculation examples are also provided in the fact sheet.

Any queries or feedback on the draft levy settings can be raised at the consultation sessions or emailed to the TPS via operations@tps.gov.au.