Review of the impact of COVID-19 on school students with disability

This content was published on Tuesday 31 January 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

Public consultations have now launched for the Department of Education’s Review of the impact of COVID-19 on school students with disability.

The Review on the impact of COVID-19 on school students with disability (the Review) has been established to provide advice to the Australian Government on the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on education for school students with disability.

Public consultations will run from 31 January to 28 March 2023. During that time there will be a range of ways to get involved. At the Engagement Hub website  you can make your own written, video and audio submissions, complete a questionnaire, or register for an event. We will ensure consultation events are accessible. This includes having Easy Read documents, Auslan interpreters and live captioning.

For more information about the Review and how you can get involved visit the Engagement Hub website.