Supporting more women into STEM careers

The Australian Government is providing $19.1 million over five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) to the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) to deliver the National Research Internships Program (NRIP), a national industry-based PhD-internship program.

NRIP will:

  • support an estimated 590 new industry-based internships for PhD researchers, with a focus on supporting more women in science, technology, engineering, or mathematical (STEM) disciplines
  • provide PhD students with the opportunity to work with an industry partner on a research project and apply their knowledge in the workforce
  • encourage greater collaboration between industry and universities.

This commitment supports the National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) and the Government’s response to the Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements (Watt Review) and the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) Review of Australia’s Research Training System.

NRIP supports industry−based training for PhD students in all Australian universities, with a particular focus on women in STEM fields. Interns are placed with industry partners for an average of 3 months, where they use their knowledge and research skills to work on a project developed by the industry partner.

The program promotes collaboration between universities and industry by providing PhD researchers the opportunity to gain the skills required by industry, and by giving industry experience working with PhD researchers.

Developing PhD graduates’ work skills and job readiness increases their career options and, in the longer term, supports a more innovative and productive Australian economy.