Suburban University Study Hubs

Suburban University Study Hubs will offer greater access and flexibility for tertiary students in outer metropolitan and peri-urban areas across Australia. They will provide support for students undertaking university or vocational education and training (VET) studies.

About the program

On 18 July 2023, in response to the Australian Universities Accord Panel’s Interim Report, the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, announced $66.9 million to establish up to 20 new Regional University Study Hubs and up to 14 Suburban University Study Hubs. Read more about the Australian Universities Accord.

Hubs will be established in outer metropolitan and peri-urban areas with low levels of university attainment and limited access to a significant physical university campus.

They will provide physical infrastructure such as computer facilities, internet access and study spaces, as well as in-person administrative and academic skills support for students undertaking tertiary study through any Australian institution.

Various documents around computer screen

Development of the program

A Consultation Paper was developed to seek input on the design and implementation of the Suburban Hubs program. This process has now closed.

View the consultation paper and submissions received.

As part of implementing the Suburban Hubs program, the Department will also undertake analysis and research work to inform selection requirements for suitable Hub locations. Further information regarding program design and implementation will be available in due course.

Related programs

Suburban University Study Hubs build on the established and successful Regional University Study Hubs program (formerly Regional University Centres), which improves access and provides dedicated support for regional and remote students.


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