The Student Wellbeing Hub

On this page:

The Student Wellbeing Hub is underpinned by the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework (ASWF)

About the Student Wellbeing Hub and resources

The Student Wellbeing Hub is a one-stop shop for information and resources on strategies to build and sustain the wellbeing of the whole school community and aims to assist:

  • educators
  • students
  • parents
  • specialist professionals supporting students, and
  • pre-service teachers

The Student Wellbeing Hub is underpinned by the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework (ASWF) which aims to ensure that all Australian schools are safe, supportive and respectful teaching and learning communities that promote student wellbeing. The Hub provides the tools and knowledge that will enable all members of the school community to:

  • promote the social and emotional development and wellbeing of students
  • nurture student responsibility and resilience
  • build a positive school culture
  • foster respectful relationships
  • respond to key contemporary issues and topics that impact on student wellbeing

The Student Wellbeing Hub is funded by the Australian Government, working in partnership with state and territory governments, the non-government school sectors and Education Services Australia.

Student Wellbeing Hub for Educators

The Hub provides educators with key information and resources to promote student wellbeing and safety in a variety of ways including:

  • curriculum-aligned, age -appropriate classroom resources for primary and secondary students for the focus areas of wellbeing and online safety
  • a detailed introduction to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework with case studies, interviews and support materials for individual educators and whole school staff to help inform safety and wellbeing programs
  • professional Learning – self-paced modules that build understanding of issues impacting student wellbeing including bullying, health and wellness and online safety
  • an accompanying podcast series on key current topics 
  • a School Audit Tool to help schools identify the strengths of their current safety and wellbeing programs and policies and discover strategies to address areas for improvement 

Student Wellbeing Hub for Students

The student area of the Hub is a designated space for exploring topics of interest and importance to young people. Primary and secondary students can find resources to enhance their understanding of how they can develop skills to build their own sense of wellbeing and to contribute to the wellbeing and safety of the whole school community.

Student Wellbeing Hub for Parents

Parents play a vital role in the mental health, happiness and wellbeing of their children. The parent area of the Hub provides a guide to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework and information and resources about important topics. The parent area offers advice and strategies for helping to make children’s experience at school a safe and positive one.