2015 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005

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Urbis reviewed the Standards in 2015 on behalf of the department. The review included broad stakeholder consultations with education authorities, anti-discrimination bodies, education sector representative groups, disability advocacy groups, parent groups, and individuals. The department also received written submissions.

Urbis found that good progress had been made since 2010 in raising awareness of the Standards with educators. In its final report, Urbis made 14 recommendations to the Australian Government to improve awareness, interpretation, and compliance with the StandardsThe Australian Government's initial response outlines how the Government intends to address each recommendation.

Exemplars of practice

During the 2015 review, stakeholders indicated that greater awareness was needed of how to practically implement the Standards, resulting in recommendation 3 of the review. In consultation with selected stakeholders, Urbis developed the Exemplars of Practice to demonstrate how the Standards can be used to support better learning outcomes and educational experiences for students in early learning, schools, vocational education, and higher education settings.