Consent and Respectful Relationships Education (CRRE)

The Consent and Respectful Relationships Education (CRRE) measure supports the wellbeing of Australian primary and secondary school students and school communities through supporting investment in expert-developed, high-quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate consent and respectful relationships education (RRE).

On this page:

This measure contributes to the Government’s National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032, Recommendation 10 of the Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report and Recommendation 59 of the Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence which highlight the importance of all governments working in partnership to ensure school students receive age-appropriate RRE that embeds prevention approaches in a range of settings, including schools.

The measure also supports the revised Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) which aims to ensure that students from Foundation to Year 10 receive more explicit education on positive, respectful relationships and consent in age-appropriate ways that reflect the needs of their school communities.


The Australian Government is providing $77.6 million to states and territories and non-government school sectors to help schools invest in RRE tailored to their communities.

Implementation of the measure is being delivered in partnership with states, territories, and non-government school sectors and informed and guided by the National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Working Group.

The National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Working Group

The National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Working Group (NRREEWG) includes jurisdictional, non-government and expert representation and will guide program design and advise schools on delivery methods that suit their school communities.

The Group will oversee:

  1. a rapid review of how respectful relationships education programs are currently being taught in schools
  2. development of a national framework for schools to use to support the delivery of high-quality RRE.

National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Working Group – Terms of Reference

Meeting communiques

National Consent Survey

To contribute to the knowledge base and guide this measure, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is undertaking a national survey to explore secondary school students’ understanding of consent, and experiences of consent education. Findings from the survey will be reported to Government and the public and are expected to inform future RRE program delivery.

More information is available at Keeping our children and young people safe: National survey on understanding and experiences of consent on the AHRC website.