Consent and Respectful Relationships Education

This content was published on Thursday 20 July 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

The Australian Government is committed to supporting schools to deliver high quality, evidence-based, age-appropriate consent and respectful relationships education in primary and secondary schools through the Consent and Respectful Relationships Education (CRRE) initiative and the National Consent Survey:

  • $77.6 million will be provided to support schools to invest in high quality, age-appropriate, consent-based respectful relationships and protective behaviour programs in primary and secondary schools.
  • This work will be guided by the National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Working Group in collaboration with experts and representatives from state and territory governments, the National Catholic Education Commission and Independent Schools Australia.
  • $5 million will be provided to the Australian Human Rights Commission to deliver the National Consent Survey. The survey will explore secondary students’ understanding of consent and experiences of consent education.

Information and updates on the measure will be provided as they become available.

Find out more about Consent and Respectful Relationships Education (CRRE)