Applications are open for the 2024 Simpson Prize

This content was published on Friday 25 August 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students that focuses on the service of Australians in World War I. The Simpson Prize provides an opportunity for students to investigate a significant aspect of Australia’s heritage, involvement, service, and sacrifice in World War I.

How to enter

Schools are permitted to submit up to three student entries. Students should speak with their teachers if they are interested in entering.

The question for the 2024 Simpson Prize is: ‘Commemoration of the Anzac tradition has widespread support in Australia despite different historical interpretations and debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend. To what extent does your own research support this view?’

Students are required to respond to the question using the Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial source selection and their own research. Students are encouraged to discuss and respond to the question from a variety of perspectives, individual and national, using a variety of sources. Entries can be either an essay or video (both is not required). Winners will participate in Simpson Prize activities in 2024.

Entries close on Friday 3 November 2023.

More information

More information and instructions on how to enter are available on The Simpson Prize website.