The Smith Family’s Careers suite for disadvantaged young Australians

The Australian Government is providing $38.2 million over four years (2020-21 to 2023-24) to The Smith Family to provide targeted support to over 75,000 disadvantaged young Australians to assist them into work, training and study post school.

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The Australian Government will work in partnership with The Smith Family to support disadvantaged young people to navigate increasingly complex, uncertain and evolving pathways into work. The Smith Family’s integrated evidence-based career suite of programs supports disadvantaged young Australians to acquire the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours they need to thrive post-school.

The career suite leverages The Smith Family’s long standing relationship with disadvantaged families, schools, educational and training institutions, community organisations, businesses, philanthropy and the wider Australian community, and helps build young people’s social and cultural capital, through expanding the networks of support they can draw on at critical times in their lives.