School-to-work transitions research, reporting and evaluation

A variety of research and reports on supporting successful participation in work and further study for all those who help young people find the career path that's right for them.

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National Career Development Strategy Research and Reports

The National Career Development Strategy (the Strategy) aims to ensure that all Australians have the skills, knowledge, and capabilities to manage their careers throughout their life, to support their individual wellbeing and participation in the workforce and contribute to Australia's productivity.

The Strategy sets out high-level goals and guiding principles and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the Australian Government, state and territory governments, schools, business and industry, and the career development sector.

National Career Development Strategy Research Project

A research project on career development in Australia was done to inform the Strategy, comprising of four elements.

  • Literature review
    • literature review of national and international research into career development, prepared by Miles Morgan Australia
  • Needs analysis (2011)
  • Cost-benefit analysis (2011)
    • cost-benefit analysis, by Deloitte Access Economics, looked at the pros and cons of the options for the National Career Development Strategy.
  • Recommendations and options (2011)

Research, reviews and reports

Preparing Secondary Students for Work Framework Research

To support the implementation of the Preparing Secondary Students for Work Framework, Ithaca Group researched the non-technical capabilities young people need to move to further education and work.

The report Everybody's Core Business: Research into the non-technical capabilities needed for successful participation in work and further study and its supporting literature review explore how these general capabilities can be developed, assessed and recognised in a school setting.

The findings define the general capabilities necessary for students to successfully participate in work or further study, and in the jobs of the future.

Youth Transitions Evidence Base: 2012 update

The Youth transitions evidence base: 2012 update is a research report by Deloitte Access Economics that looks at the economic and social benefits of young people making successful transitions to further education, training and work.

The report draws mainly on data from the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth, but also looks at other data related to youth transitions, such as the Survey of Education and Work. It is an update of a 2006 research project prepared by Access Economics for the Department.

The Positive Pathways for Young People in Remote Communities report

The Positive Pathways for Young People in Remote Communities report looks at the meaning and characteristics of positive pathways for young people aged 12–19 years, with a focus on the experiences of those who work with young people in remote communities.

Youth Connections Specialised Services report

The Youth Connections Specialised Services program, delivered only in South Australia is aimed at young people who are at risk of becoming involved with, or who are already involved with, the youth justice system. The evaluation report of the specialised services program is available.

The subjective wellbeing of young people in Youth Connections

RMIT conducted an independent longitudinal study to look at the subjective wellbeing of young people participating in the Department's Youth Connections program.

Good Practice, Strengthening Services for Youth in Juvenile Justice

The Good Practice, Strengthening Services for Youth in Juvenile Justice report focuses on how Youth Connections and School Business Community Partnership Broker services are strengthening services, and building capacity to improve outcomes for young people in juvenile justice. The 11 case studies featured in the report show that even in the challenging area of juvenile justice, perseverance, collaboration, vision, and innovation make a positive difference.

National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions

The National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions began in January 2010 to increase the proportion of young people completing their Year 12 or equivalent qualification, and to halve the gap in the proportion of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people completing Year 12 or an equivalent qualification. The National Partnership ended on 31 December 2013 as per the agreement.


Under the National Partnership, state and territory governments provided annual reports to the Australian Government on progress against the outcomes, performance benchmarks, and performance indicators specified in the National Partnership. The 2012 annual reports are available.


The National Partnership was evaluated over three years, resulting in three reports—the first interim evaluation reportsecond interim evaluation report, and final evaluation report. The evaluation focused on the National Partnership as a whole, rather than individual elements or jurisdictions