Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program

The Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program is providing $7.2 million (indexed) between 2022 and 2024 to support collaborative outreach projects that enable the higher education aspirations of students in regional and remote Australia, including those who may be experiencing cumulative disadvantage.

About the Program

The Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program (Program) responds to the 2019 National Regional, Rural and Remote Tertiary Education Strategy which identified that regional and remote students experience additional challenges that may act as a barrier to aspiration and preparedness for higher education.

The Program is providing $7.2 million (indexed) between 2022 and 2024 to support collaborative outreach projects that enable the higher education aspirations of students in regional and remote Australia.

Through the Program innovative partnerships will be established between Table A universities and Regional University Study Hubs (Hubs) (formerly Regional University Centres) along with other higher education providers including Table B universities and non-university higher education providers, schools, vocational education and training providers, and community organisations.

The objectives of the Program are to direct resources to:

  • empower students from under-represented backgrounds in regional and remote areas to aspire to higher education.

  • support universities and Hubs to develop sustainable partnerships with communities currently underserviced by existing outreach initiatives and where cumulative barriers to higher education exist.

The Program is administered under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and the Higher Education Support (Other Grants) Guidelines 2022 (Guidelines). The Program is a component of the Indigenous, Regional and Low SES Attainment Fund.

Program Funding

Under the Program, $7.2 million in funding has been awarded to consortia led by Table A universities and Centres via a two-phased competitive process:

  • Phase 1 – Concept proposal ($704,628 awarded)
    • Under Phase 1, universities, Hubs and local communities in regional and remote areas partnered together as consortia to co-design tailored outreach projects targeting higher education aspiration.
  • Phase 2 – Delivery of multi-year projects ($6.5 million awarded)
    • Under Phase 2, further funding has been awarded to successful consortia for delivery of the outreach projects co-designed under Phase 1.

Phase 1 Outcomes

Six projects were successful under the Program’s Phase 1 funding round.

Successful consortia have been awarded a total of $704,628 in funding to engage with regional communities in the projects' target areas to co-design innovative and locally tailored outreach initiatives.

The following projects were successful for Phase 1 funding:

Lead partner


Target state

CUC Snowy Monaro

Eastern Australia Regional University Centre Partnership


Flinders University

Northern Territory Youth Engagement in Allied Health (YEAH)!


Murdoch University

Influencing the influencers: A novel approach to increasing university participation of rural and regional students through community engagement in Western Australia's Wheatbelt


Pilbara Universities Centre

Project Y13: Creating Aspirations, Connections and Pathways


Uni Hub Spencer Gulf

Growing our Own - Local Pathways to Jobs of our Future


James Cook University

Building capabilities for success - targeting preparedness for ongoing learning


Phase 2 Outcomes

Two projects were successful for further funding under the Program’s Phase 2 funding round.

Successful consortia have been awarded a total of $6.5 million in funding for delivery of the innovative and practical higher education aspiration outreach projects co-designed with regional and remote communities under Phase 1.

The following projects were successful for Phase 2 funding:

Lead partner


Target state

University of Technology Sydney

Eastern Australia Regional University Centre Partnership


Under this project, over 30 universities and Regional University Study Hubs will work together with communities to deliver a range of locally tailored initiatives aimed at inspiring young people from regional and remote areas to pursue a higher education.



Flinders University

Northern Territory Youth Engagement in Allied Health (YEAH)!


Through this place-based project, Flinders University will work with a range of partners, including Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education and Indigenous Allied Health Australia, to inspire regional and remote First Nations youth in the Northern Territory to consider an allied health higher education pathway.


More Information

Should you have any questions regarding this Program, please contact