Consultation on reporting requirements for Research Block Grants for universities

On 1 January 2017 the Australian Government implemented new funding arrangements for research block grants for universities. As part of this the department committed to further consultation with the sector on definitions and detailed implementation arrangements.

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On 31 January 2017, the department released a paper which formed the basis of this consultation. It sets out options for implementing the new reporting requirements for research block grant funding arrangements.

Submissions to the consultation paper informed the final reporting requirements for RBGs.

Outcomes of the consultation resulted in the following new reporting requirements:

  • A new self-assessment model for Category one R&D income data to replace the previous Australian Competitive Grants Register.
  • New indicators for the Higher Education Student Data Collection to collect higher degree by research student information on completion timeframes, industry engagement and fields of research.
  • The collection of more detailed Research Training Program expenditure data through annual financial statement reporting.
  • The implementation of new sub-categories for Categories 2, 3 and 4 of the Higher Education Research Data Collection.

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