Consolidated time series datasets

On this page:

The time series datasets published on this page provide historical research block grant (RBG) allocations and other higher education research datasets collected by the Department of Education (the department).

Ongoing time series datasets

Name of the dataset Years
Research block grant allocations 2001-2024
Research income 1994-2022
Higher degree by research student completions 1989-2022
Higher education expenditure on R&D by higher education provider 1994-2020

Discontinued time series datasets

These datasets were used in the calculation of RBG allocations prior to the 2017 grant year and are no longer collected by the department.

Name of the dataset Years
Research Training Scheme student load 2004-2014
HERDC research publications 1995-2014

Other research datasets

The department also collects other student data relating to higher degrees by research that can be found via the Higher Education Statistics – Student data webpage.


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