Choice and Affordability Fund Agreements

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Agreements with Non-Government Representative Bodies (NGRBs) are required under the CAF Guidelines.

The annual funding allocations for each NGRB are included as attachments to each Agreement and updated annually around October.

CAF Workplans

Agreements require that NGRBs must submit CAF workplans if the NGRB anticipates their delivery approaches to CAF priorities will change over time, are more complex in nature, or involve centralised expenditure by an NGRB to address the following priorities: Strengthening outcomes for schools and educationally disadvantaged schools and students, Student wellbeing and support, or Other priorities the Minister has identified.

Where a consistent approach to delivery of the Choice and Affordability of Schools, Transition assistance, or Special circumstances funding priorities is anticipated over the period of the Agreement, workplans are not required.

CAF workplans detail the actions to support implementation of the CAF priorities over defined periods and must be approved by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Two-year CAF Workplans were required to cover the period 2020 to 2021, and four-year workplans are required to cover the periods 2022 to 2025, and 2026 to 2029.

Where required, the CAF workplan forms part of the Agreement with the NGRB.

Each NGRB must ensure that it makes its Agreement, approved workplan where applicable, publicly available on its website.