Final Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review

This content was published on Thursday 22 September 2022. There may be more recent updates available.

The Quality Initial Teacher Education Review (the Review), launched in April 2021, has now concluded. The final report, Next Steps: Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review, is now available.

The Review looked at:

  • attracting and selecting high-quality candidates into the teaching profession
  • preparing initial teacher education (ITE) students to be effective teachers.

The Expert Panel that conducted the Review undertook extensive consultation with education stakeholders through meetings, surveys, focus groups, webinars, a workshop and a written submission process.

The final report provides a wide-ranging examination of the issues facing ITE and makes recommendations across three key areas:

  • Attracting high-quality, diverse candidates into initial teacher education
  • Ensuring their preparation is evidence-based and practical
  • Supporting early years teachers.

Read the report, learn about the panel and learn more about the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review.

Teacher Education Expert Panel

The Teacher Education Expert Panel is being established by the Australian Government to develop a quality measure for ITE courses in response to recommendation 15 of the Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review and provide advice on key issues raised at the Teacher Workforce Shortage Roundtable and in the Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review.