PRISMS Modernisation Project

Streamlining enrolments through the development and implementation of Application Programming Interface (APIs).

Project Background

The Australian Government plans to invest $17.3 million over two years (2022–2024) to modernise the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) in order to streamline enrolments for international students and Australian education providers.

The modernisation solution will allow providers to integrate their own systems with the PRISMS application to submit their data directly to PRISMS. These changes will reduce double data handling for providers and provide seamless integration of business and government processes. The project commenced in July 2022.

The project will focus on the most important and highest usage PRISMS functions for international students, enrolment creation, and basic reporting of enrolment changes. The first year of the project will focus on enrolment creation function. The second year will implement other high use functions.

The department is committed to working closely with international education stakeholders to achieve a successful PRISMS Application Programming Interface (API) solution that supports the longer-term efficiency of the sector. The department released a concept paper on 25 March 2022, Modernising the collection of international education data Concept brief – Department of Education, Australian Government to inform international education providers and their software suppliers about this project and provide details on opportunities to engage in the project consultation and implementation.

Upon completion of the project, the PRISMS website will still be available for organisations who do not implement the API functionality.

Anticipated benefits of the PRISMS Modernisation Project

Savings for the International Education sector are an estimated $10 million in regulatory compliance costs each year.

  • Reduced administrative overheads for education providers.
  • Increased productivity of education providers.

Support growth and global competitiveness of Australia’s International Education sector.

  • With quality data, the international education industry can enhance innovation and target diverse areas of opportunity.
  • The industry will have an evidence base to address student demand and identify opportunities to drive expansion and diversification.

Increased satisfaction of Education Providers and Agents.

  • Significant improvement of user experience.
  • Improved PRISMS reporting for student enrolment and changes.

What is currently happening in the PRISMS Modernisation Project?

The Department of Education (DE) and Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) are working together to develop an Application Programming Interface (API) capability for the PRISMS platform that will enable education provider software vendors to connect their systems directly to PRISMS to provide enrolment data as required under ESOS legislation.

DEWR is also upgrading PRISMS infrastructure and aligning it to modern and well-accepted industry standards. The department intends to apply the Business to Government (B2G) solution consistent with other B2G channel API systems and programs implemented by DEWR. The API framework will be developed consistent with the National API Design Standard by using established, industry-standard security practices and ensuring a dedicated approach to security and compliance.

Project Timeline: The following diagram highlights key project stages and timelines.

Timeline: Project Timeline: The following diagram highlights key project stages and timelines. July 2022: Project commenced September 2022: Discovery phase November 2022: Initial Technical Working Group (TWG) information session April 2023: Connectivity test  August – September 2023: Initial staging environment for core functionality available September – October 2023: Live (Production) pilot release  June 2024: Final (Production) release

The project is currently in its initial stages of development:

  • Stakeholder engagement through the Technical Working Group
    • Sharing of project documentation with stakeholders
  • Additional communication with stakeholders via email and meetings
  • Technical development of APIs – focusing on the CoE Create functionality
  • Planning for future functionality for inclusion in the APIs

Getting the international education sector involved

We are consulting with the International Education sector on the change, design, and implementation of the program. Opportunities to engage include:

  • Consultation (via survey and face-to-face meetings) to build provider and vendor understanding of, and interest in the project.
  • Regular Technical Working Group meetings to provide feedback on project design and delivery.
  • Specialist discussion groups to work through the implementation for specific aspects of the project.

There will be more opportunities to contribute to the development of the PRISMS Modernisation Project. If you are interested in participating contact the PRISMS Modernisation Project Team (

Future consultations include:

  • user system testing, interviews and surveys.

During the second Technical Working Group webinar held 22 February 2023, a poll was run to gauge the preferred functions and priorities for providers for the future APIs. The below chart represents the top ten results, out of a total of 26 options. We are now using these results to guide the development of the APIs.

Table 1: Poll results showing top ten preferred functions and priorities for future API development (out of a total of 26 options in the original poll). Top Ten Functions  1 (Retrieve CoE Details): 75% 2 (Retrieve visa alerts): 61% 7 (Basic Student Course Variation reporting): 59% 3 (Cancel CoEs): 44% 8 (Complex SCVs): 34% 5 (Confirm study commencement): 33% 17 (Update student contact details): 28% 4 (Update expired CoEs status to approve: 26% 16 (Update student details): 23% 6 (Update CoE location) 13%

Table 1: Poll results showing top ten preferred functions and priorities for future API development

1: Retrieve CoE details

2: Retrieve visa alerts

7: Basic Student Course Variation (SCV) reporting

3: Cancel CoEs

8: Complex SCVs

5: Confirm study commencement

17: Update student contact details

4: Update (expired) CoE status to approve

16: Update student details

6: Update CoE location

Engagement so far

We have engaged with the International Education sector so far through;

  • a Proof of Concept to identify the benefits and suitability of using API (application programming interface) technology to enable system-to-system data exchange,
  • discovery research with international education providers and student management system vendors to collect information on current processes and challenges,
  • Technical Working Group meetings to inform the development and delivery of the program.

The following table outlines the date and type of International Education sector engagement to date.



July 2022

Engagement Roadshow Meetings – Sydney:

10 providers and software vendors

August 2022

Engagement Roadshow Meetings – Melbourne and Brisbane:

11 providers and software vendors in Melbourne

9 providers and software vendors in Brisbane

September 2022

Engagement Roadshow Meetings – Adelaide and Darwin:

9 providers and software vendors in Adelaide

3 providers in Darwin

October 2022

Engagement Roadshow Meetings – Perth:

11 providers and software vendors

November 2022

Technical Working Group (TWG) Webinar #1:

Providers and software vendors – voluntary registration to participate

February 2023

Technical Working Group (TWG) Webinar #2:

Providers and software vendors – voluntary registration to participate

April 2023

Vendor Software Engagement Activity:

Software vendors
June 2023

Technical Working Group (TWG) Webinar #3:

Providers and software vendors – voluntary registration to participate

More information
