Special Circumstances -School hygiene assistance fund for non-government schools

The Australian Government provided an additional $10 million in Special Circumstances funding to non-government schools to assist schools to put appropriate hygiene protections in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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On 14 May 2020, the Minister for Education, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, announced the Australian Government will provide $10 million to improve COVID-19 hygiene measures in non-government schools that planned to have 50 percent of their students back in the classroom by 1 June 2020. The Special Circumstances funding assisted schools to cover the cost of hygiene items, including soap, hand sanitiser and classroom cleaning products to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The first payments made under the fund were calculated automatically taking into account school size and the response to the early access to recurrent funding process that closed on 2 May 2020.

Payments for eligible schools were made to state and territory treasuries in June 2020.

This additional funding complemented a range of initiatives that were available to support non-government schools in their response to COVID-19.

For further information on the funding round, email schoolsassurance@education.gov.au or call 1800 677 027 (option 3 – when prompted).