Higher Education Research Data Collection

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About the Higher Education Research Data Collection

The Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) specifications are used by higher education providers (HEPs) to submit their annual research and development (R&D) income data. They control the collection of higher education R&D income data and ensure that Australian Government research block grants (RBGs) are allocated in a fair and transparent way.

HERDC data, along with higher degrees by research (HDR) student completions data, is used to determine annual RBG allocations to HEPs in accordance with the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017).

The Department of Education updates and releases new HERDC specifications each year in consultation with HEPs and other relevant stakeholders.

HEPs must submit their research income data via the System to Evaluate the Excellence of Research (SEER). A spreadsheet version of the HERDC template is available to assist HEPs in the initial preparation of HERDC data.

HERDC specifications for the collection of 2023 data

The HERDC specifications for the collection of 2023 data are now available.

Category 1 self-assessment – Frequently asked questions

The Category 1 self-assessment – Frequently asked questions is designed to assist HEPs to self-assess their R&D income, in conjunction with the HERDC specifications to determine what can be reported as Category 1 income.

Historical information – HERDC specifications

Historical HERDC data is available in the research income time series.

Recent HERDC specifications are provided below.

Older HERDC specifications can be located by searching the RBG resources webpage.

Further enquiries

For more information, email RBGrants@education.gov.au