Annual review of state and territory funding contributions

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Under the Australian Education Act 2013 (the Act), the Board is required to conduct an annual review of state and territory compliance with section 22A of the Act.

Section 22A of the Act states that as a condition of Commonwealth financial assistance, states and territories are required to meet minimum school funding contributions. These are set out in their Bilateral Agreements with the Commonwealth under the National School Reform Agreement.

The terms of reference for the review ask the Board to take into account:

  • the terms of Bilateral Agreements with individual jurisdictions under the National School Reform Agreement
  • mitigating and contributing factors that have contributed to any non-compliance, and
  • timing of state budget processes and impact on compliance and reporting arrangements.

2022 Review

In October 2023, the Board will commenced its review of state and territory funding contributions for the 2022 (calendar year) funding and is due to report to government by April 2024.

2021 Review

On 28 April 2023, the National School Resourcing Board (the Board) presented the Australian Government with its final report: Review of state and territory compliance with section 22A of the Australian Education Act 2013 – 2021 funding year.

On 17 August 2023, the Australian Government tabled the Board’s report in Parliament and published its response to the review.
A copy of the Board’s report and Australian Government response can be found here:

2020 Review

On 20 January 2023, the National School Resourcing Board (the Board) presented the Australian Government with its final report: Review of state and territory compliance with section 22A of the Australian Education Act 2013- 2020 funding year.

On 18 May 2023, the Australian Government tabled the Board’s report in Parliament and published its response to the review.

A copy of the Board’s report and Australian Government response can be found here:

2019 Review

On 8 September 2021, the National School Resourcing Board (the Board) presented the Australian Government with its final report: Review of state and territory compliance with section 22A of the Australian Education Act 2013 2019 funding year.

On 21 October 2021, the Australian Government tabled the Board’s report in Parliament and published its response to the review.

A copy of the Board’s report and Australian Government response can be found here:

2018 Review

On 23 July 2020, the Australian Government announced its response to the Board’s review of the 2018 (calendar year) funding.

A copy of the Board’s report and Australian Government response can be found below: