National Innovation and Science Agenda

Technology is transforming our lives and changing how we learn. It also creates new opportunities for our researchers. The National Innovation and Science Agenda will introduce innovation and science from an early age and harness new sources of growth to prepare Australia for the future.

Early Learning and Schooling

High-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education gives young Australians the skills they need now and in the future.

Learn more about $64.6 million for initiatives that will inspire all Australians in digital literacy and STEM.


National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy

$150 million per year is allocated for the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). This provides ongoing, sustainable funding for critical national research infrastructure.

A group of people at a meeting table

National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

The 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap supports future investment decisions in research infrastructure. It makes sure Australian researchers can access world class major national research infrastructure.

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Research Block Grants

Streamlined research block grant funding arrangements for universities have:

  • Created simpler, more transparent research funding arrangements
  • Improved the ranking of our universities
  • Put a greater focus on research quality
  • Increased incentives for industry and end-user engagement
  • Driven greater research-industry collaboration

In 2020, the Government will continue its support for university research with funding of $1.96 billion through two research block grants programs - the Research Training Program (RTP) and the Research Support Program (RSP).

$910 million through the RSP will provide support to the indirect and systemic costs of research and over $1 billion through the RTP will provide scholarships to support the training of over 40,000 PhD and Research Masters students.

Linkage Projects Scheme

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects Scheme is designed to support collaboration between university researchers and end users of research, including industry and businesses.

Improvements to the scheme include a continuous application process to make it easier for researchers, businesses and industry to respond to time critical market or innovation opportunities.

Engagement and impact

The National Engagement and Impact Assessment will:

  • Assess the economic, social and other benefits flowing from university research
  • Provide incentives for university-industry collaboration