MicroCred Seeker (Microcredentials Marketplace)

MicroCred Seeker is a nationally consistent platform for students to search and compare microcredentials offered by registered higher education providers and selected VET organisations.

About MicroCred Seeker

The Australian Government recognises the role of microcredentials in supporting lifelong learning and the need for a learner-centred approach.

Using the MicroCred Seeker platform, learners will be able to compare microcredentials and find the most suitable that meets education and/or employment needs. This includes functionality to search by a range of options including industry area, price and credit value towards other qualifications.

The website has been developed by the Universities Admissions Centre and can be found at MicroCred Seeker.

What is a Microcredential?

Microcredentials are one of the fastest growing post-secondary course types in the market. They are tailored short courses that are outcome-based, often driven by industry needs and readily accessible to learners.

The National Microcredentials Framework defines a microcredential as "a certification of assessed learning or competency, with a minimum volume of learning of one hour and less than an AQF award qualification, that is additional, alternate, complementary to or a component part of an AQF award qualification."

The Framework underpins the content within the MicroCred Seeker platform.


The National Microcredentials Framework was developed in consultation across higher education, VET, schools and industry sectors. This included the work of the Lifelong Learning and Employability Working Group, which also helped guide key development areas of MicroCred Seeker.

The platform has been developed in collaboration with several other government initiatives (including the AQF Reform and Jobs and Skills Australia) to help meet expectations across learners, providers and industry groups.

Further information

If you have a question that is not addressed in these resources, please contact MicroCredSeeker@education.gov.au