PM announces taskforce to work on qualifications recognition with India

Australia-India Virtual Leaders Summit 2022.

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The Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison, met with the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 21 March 2022 to strengthen cooperation between our two countries. Their joint statement commits to the establishment of a taskforce to develop qualifications recognition arrangements for Australia and India to enhance two-way mobility.

The taskforce will explore key issues relating to the recognition of degrees across higher education and vocational education and training, focusing on modes of learning such as online, blended learning and joint degrees.

The taskforce will build on commitments made under the Australia India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the India Economic Strategy Update 2022. It will also compliment the implementation of the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030.

More information on this announcement can be found in the archived Minster's Media Release and on the South Asia page.