Malaysia Resources

The Department endeavours to provide the latest policy advice and country specific information to inform education and research engagement with priority partners overseas. This information is used to inform cooperation with partner ministries and departments of education, training and research, and with respective institutions in these sectors in Malaysia.

On this page:

Country information

Policies and regulations


Webinar series: Education & Research in the COVID-10 Era

Over 23-25 August 2021, the Department’s Kuala Lumpur Post hosted a five part webinar series in conjunction with the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education.

Quality Assurance in Online Higher Education in Australia and Malaysia

The first webinar in the series focussed on the issues of quality assurance in online higher education in Australia and Malaysia, and featured speakers from TEQSA, the University of Southern Queensland, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and HELP University Malaysia.

Assessment, Evaluation and Integrity in Online Learning

The second webinar in the series focussed on the issues of assessment, evaluation and integrity in online learning. It featured speakers from Monash University and the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education.

Experiences in Malaysian Polytechnic and Community Colleges & the Australian VET Sector

The third webinar in the series explored the issues of experiences in Malaysian Polytechnic and Community Colleges & the Australian VET sector. It featured speakers from RMIT University and the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education.

Sustaining Research and Collaborations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The fourth webinar in the series looked at the issues of sustaining research and collaborations during the COVID-19 pandemic and featured speakers from Swinburne University, the University of Adelaide, UKM Malaysia and the University of Sydney.

Professional Development and Employability in the Post-COVID-19 Era

The fifth and final webinar in the series discussed the issues of professional post-COVID-19 era and featured speakers from Griffith University, UOW Malaysia KDU, University of Malaya and MDEC.