Release of the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy

This content was published on Wednesday 22 December 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

The Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy  (EEES) has just been released. This is an enormous achievement that will strengthen our close relationship with Vietnam and support our joint ambition of becoming top ten trading partners and doubling investment, with education and innovation one of four key pillars of the strategy.

Vietnam is a priority education partner for Australia and our fourth largest source country for international students with over 29,000 student enrolments in 2020 (DESE, Full Year 2020).

Through the work of Ms Jen Bahen, Australia's Education and Research Counsellor in Hanoi, the department continues to deepen bilateral engagement, support Vietnam’s education reforms and reduce the regulatory barriers for Australian education investment in Vietnam.

Under the EEES, the department is working closely with counterparts to finalise two projects that will further enhance Australia’s reputation as a trusted education partner:

  1. A virtual Technology University Leaders Forum – targeted discussion with Vietnam around key governance, innovation and internationalisation areas.
  2. A Digital Transformation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) policy series – sharing Australia’s knowledge and expertise in digital delivery as Vietnam implements its Digital Transformation of TVET to 2025 policy paper.

Building opportunities for Australian education providers to grow online and offshore delivery in Vietnam aligns with the Australian Government’s recently released Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 (the Strategy). The Strategy sets out the national vision for our international education sector over the next ten years to ensure Australia moves from economic recovery into long-term growth.

For more information about Australia’s education, training and research relationship with Vietnam, please contact the South East Asia team at