International education engagement

Internationally, the department provides policy leadership and coordination across all levels of government for education-related matters. In addition, the department builds partnerships through engagement with key partner countries to advance Australia’s international education sector and position.

What do we do?

The International Division of the Department focusses on pursuing key education, training and research opportunities that support and enhance the sustainable growth of our international education sector, contribute to Australia’s economic growth (including through meeting Australia’s skills needs), and ensures Australia remains recognised as a world leader in international education.

The International Division’s National Office in Australia works closely with our network of Education and Research Counsellors posted at key Australian embassies and high commissions across the world.

Together, we engage with other government agencies, and with priority partner countries, to develop and deliver strategies and programs that:

  • reduce the regulatory barriers that Australian education and training providers face overseas  
  • foster deeper connections on policy and system alignment
  • open opportunities to innovative products and services
  • promote the exchange of knowledge and best practice, and
  • position Australia as a partner of choice for collaboration in international education, training, and research.
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Bilateral engagement

The Department’s National Office, in conjunction with our Counsellor network, engages frequently with priority countries to strengthen our partnerships in education, training, and research. Our close relationships with overseas partner ministries and key agencies enable the Department to expand education, training and research opportunities for mutual economic benefit, enhance regional stability and security, and increase Australia’s reputation for education excellence.

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Multilateral engagement

In addition to bilateral engagement, the Department also participates and engages internationally in key multilateral fora that helps to build:

  • Australia’s reputation as a high-quality education, research and employment destination
  • Regional and international education linkages
  • Confidence through strengthened relationships
  • Collaboration between governments and institutions, and
  • Student, education and training professional and researcher mobility.
Australian Education Act illustration

Our key government partners

Some of the key government agencies the Department works closely with when engaging internationally include:

  • Austrade is responsible for the international marketing and promotion of Australian education and training.
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade promotes and protects Australia’s international interests to support our security and prosperity, and it is responsible for public diplomacy including the New Colombo Plan, Australia Awards and Australia’s Foreign Arrangements Scheme.
  • Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources manages and facilitates international research partnerships relating to science and industry.
  • Department of Home Affairs is responsible for the Simplified Student Visa Framework and the Skilled Migration Program.
Education and Research Counsellors
